Slow down and reflect [Personal essay]

The situation we are living in now is still unusual. And, since we are away from beating the virus, it will not end very soon. Every one of us finds themselves in a different homestay situation. Some of us might be tired of a daily routine and babysitting the kids. Some of us are bored […]

Tired of video calls? This is how to tackle Zoom fatigue [Personal essay]

Ah, Zoom. The saviour of our jobs, the holy grail of freelancers, the number one tool during the pandemic. The spike in the company’s value speaks for itself – we wouldn’t have survived the last six months without it. A few months since March passed, and my working-from-home high is slowly diminishing. I voice my cheerful “thaaaanks…byyyeee…!” […]

10 tips on how to stay sane while working remotely

For the lion’s share of the people working in the Netherlands (but not only there), remote work is something absolutely normal. The so-called ‘home office’ is part of the weekly rhythm for many of us. It gives us some respite from the daily commute, the open space and the dress codes. Remote work once a […]

Why should you spend time on personal development? [Personal essay]

Personal development is a way to better understand yourself Personal development is a push. It’s a struggle. It’s a challenge. But there wouldn’t be any winning without a challenge. New habits don’t come easy, but they can be developed. I am fascinated with self-development. I see it as an art in itself, and one that […]

How will the world change around us after the coronavirus? [Personal essay]

One day, the battle against Covid-19 will be won. But our world may look very different from the one we lived in before the pandemic began. Many people lost their lives, but on top of this tragic human toll is that the coronavirus threatens incalculable social, economic, and political costs. Financial markets may never recover […]

It took a world pandemic for me to finally learn self-care [Personal essay]

happy family

“Yes! Now I’ll finally have time to do all that I’ve been wanting to do for years!” were my first words after hearing about the social distancing in March. Little did I know that my psyche in isolation had other plans for me. Having emerged from the slumber, now I see that I’ve learnt a […]

Stay in touch with friends during self-isolation [Personal essay]

virtual reality

I feel that self-isolation has been going on forever. My feelings of relief that most things are beyond my control transformed into irritation and anger because every day looks the same. My husband and I joke that now we have six Saturdays and one Sunday because on Sunday the bakery is closed. The weather is […]

“Public speaking and personal brand make my heart sing!” [Interview]

For the last 13 years, Karolina Sterenberg has been working in the Learning & Development space for one of the biggest sports companies in the world, but she is also passionate about public speaking and personal branding. Karolina will share her knowledge and experience with the members and the guests of PPW on 30th April during […]

How to exercise at home with kids [Personal essay]


I think this is the most popular question asked by moms these days. Staying at home for weeks, due to the COVID-19, is the reality for everyone now. We still don’t know how long it will take to get our previous lives back. In the meantime, though, we need to figure out how to cope […]