For the lion’s share of the people working in the Netherlands (but not only there), remote work is something absolutely normal. The so-called ‘home office’ is part of the weekly rhythm for many of us. It gives us some respite from the daily commute, the open space and the dress codes.

Remote work once a week? I go for it! Unfortunately, this is not an option anymore, but rather an obligation. Our current life-work balance has been brutally disturbed by the COVID-19 pandemic. For safety reasons, we were ordered to work from home full time until … further notice. So, until when precisely?! – some of us might ask impatiently, missing the office routine that might have not been appreciated before as much.

Although remote working is usually widely appreciated, it can be challenging when imposed for an indefinite period.

To help you survive through these difficult times of isolation and home-working, we prepared a list of 10 tips on how to stay sane while working remotely.

1. Keep the order of the day

By accident you pressed the snooze button … for the fifth time in a row? The duty to come to the office by a specific hour keeps many of us on a daily schedule. When the boss gives us permission for a more unfixed work mode, we allow ourselves to sleep a bit longer, change the time of meals or an unexpected nap (why not, I can).

Maintaining the current order of the day will allow you to better organize your work schedule, thanks to which you will fulfill your obligations more effectively. Breaking out of the rhythm can cause problems with concentration and postponing tasks for later, so you can get stuck in time with deadlines and feeling guilty.

2. Homemade dress code – dress up!

You got up later and you don’t have to go anywhere. You don’t even make a minimal makeup, not even to mention choosing clothes for the day which you regularly wear at the office. Instead you choose your favorite lazy day style: t-shirt, tracksuit, and for hair – a messy bun.

Try to wear the outfit you wear every day in the office or put on a looser variation, but don’t put on the clothes you usually wear during the weekend and another Netflix session. A slightly more formal outfit will make you feel more confident and more at work. Besides, you’ll be ready for an unexpected call.

3. Eat breakfast

We have already mentioned this in the first paragraph – changing the time of meals or skipping them altogether is one of the biggest sins of people working remotely. The fact that you work at a home office does not mean dismissal. The tasks assigned to you will have to be done anyway and working on an empty stomach is not the most effective way to make it happen.

4. Choose the right place to work

Sure, the cozy sofa in your living-room tempts, as well as your bed, but forget about it. We guarantee that it will not be more than two hours and you will be totally out of enthusiasm and energy. A nap will creep into this place for sure.

To work effectively at home, you need to reconstruct the office conditions to which you are used to in your house. Choose a bright, lit place where you can place a comfortable table or desk, adapted to your height and posture. Bring the necessary documents, materials or favorite items from your workplace.

5. To-do-list: schedule your tasks

When working remotely, there is nothing worse than plunging into organizational and communication chaos. Regardless of what industry you operate in and what type of tasks you do, you must take this basic step – plan them! Prioritize your duties from the most to the least urgent and specify how much time you will need to perform them. When organizing your day, do not forget about breaks for relaxation and some exercises.

You can use the traditional planning method, i.e. a paper and pen, or use more advanced tools, such as Microsoft To-Do, Asana or Evernote. Our member, Dorota Klop-Sowinska, has gathered in her article some useful applications to help with remote work.

6. Listen to yourself!

Do you work more effectively in the afternoon? Or maybe early in the morning? Don’t ignore your inner voice and biological clock. Plan your tasks in such a way that the most demanding ones can be performed at times when you are the most efficient.

7. Split your work into smaller units

Let’s not kid ourselves, regardless of our diligence, great organization and professionalism, you can’t work efficiently for eight hours without a break. Pausing is necessary to maintain an adequate level of energy.

Divide eight hours of your work into shorter blocks, and if you listen to yourself well, you will know when to take a break away from the computer and do a quick dinner, for example. 😉

8. Take breaks

Since we are already making dinner in the so-called meantime, it is worth raising the very important topic of taking break. When working at home, we often forget to regularly get up and walk around the apartment. It’s also a good idea to spend time on a phone call to your partner, favorite colleague or a friend.

It is worth spending a longer break on a healthy meal and some exercise. A ten-minute walk or a light workout at home will do much more than hectoliters of coffee.

9. Go cozy!

Choosing the right workplace is one thing, but arranging it is a completely different matter. Consider what has a soothing and relaxing effect on you. If you like plants, then decorate the desk with fresh flowers or put your favorite flowerpot in sight. You can also use essential oils with a light, non-irritating odor or a light scented candle. If your duties allow it, i.e. you do not have to constantly talk on the phone with customers, you should think about turning on soft music that will help you focus on your tasks.

10. Finish your work on time!

I will only write back to the client’s email, just take the last look at the task list update, I promise, the last phone call and I am done for today. Do you know it? Extending working hours is very common for home office workers.

Spending a day with our colleagues at the office helps us to respect the principles of the rhythm of the day. We know perfectly well when we need to work on our tasks and when we need to go home. Right, but how to leave the office when you are already at home? How not to fall into the whirl of work above the program? Make an appointment with a workmate that you will finish work at the same time. Besides, turning off your computer and muting the phone will definitely help to take a healthy distance.

Do you have your ideas for home office survival? Share them in the comments! The main thing is to stay at home, wash your hands and not give in to pessimism.


Written by Monika Mączka
Monika’s passion is editing and copy writing and she is eagerly using her talents at PPW.  She holds a Master’s Degree in Dutch Language Studies and a Bachelor Degree in Editing.