On 3rd September, Dr. Els van der Helm shared her extensive knowledge about sleep with the members and guests of the Polish Professional Women Association in The Netherlands. This interactive workshop took place at the Eye Film Museum in Amsterdam. Dr. van der Helm is a sleep expert, ex-McKinsey consultant and founder of Shleep, a company focused on improving the performance of organizations by improving the sleep of leaders and teams with a digital sleep coaching platform. The workshop left us with tips that we will surely keep in mind:
  • Book sleep in your calendar as one of the priorities and don’t compromise it.
  • If possible, have a nap during the day. The power nap is 25 min, the refreshment nap in 90 min. Best to take it between 13:00 – 14:00. The naps taken before or after the suggested time are rather distractive than energizing.
  • Sleep the same amount of time per day through the week.
  • Don’t snooze your alarm clock when it rings, just get up and start your day to keep the energy level high during the day.
  • Avoid taking snacks and drinks that contain caffeine after 15:00.
  • Sleep 7 – 8 hours a day. The quality and the length of sleep that we get has an immediate impact on our IQ (problem solving, creativity, cognitive processes) and on our EQ (emotional intelligence, empathy).
  • Calculate your sleep debt and pay it back if needed. (amount of sleep that you should be getting – amount of sleep you actually get = SLEEP DEBT).
During the meeting, we also celebrated the 4th birthday of the Polish Professional Women in The Netherlands Association! The room was beautifully decorated with the balloons and the mini muffins with PPW’s logo were served to all attendees. Amazing atmosphere! It has already been 4 years since we started and grew from just a few members to over 100 now. The events bring us together regularly and we are looking forward to seeing what the future holds for us. We would like to thank Dr. Els van der Helm for sharing the knowledge and to all PPW members involved in the organization of the workshop. Thank you also to sweetcelebration http://www.sweetcelebration.nl for delicious muffins. Thank you Lulu from Lulu Lightning Artist http://www.lululightning.com for beautiful photos.  Have a look at the photo’s below to get a grasp of that evening and follow us for next events via FacebookLinkedIn and our website!  

Thank you Lulu from Lightning Artist for great photos: