On the 23 of June 2016, the first meeting for Polish Professional Women (PPW) members interested in a Social Responsibility initiative took place. During that evening we talked about the goals we want to accomplish and the types of organizations that Social Responsibility wants to work with.

We are very pleased to see how many of you have reacted to the invitation. We would like to thank you very much for being there with us; for your enthusiasm, ideas and your precious time. The participants used the opportunity to get to know each other even better via exchange of knowledge and experience.

That evening we also got the chance to meet the initiators of start-up Baking Power. These young students are already socially active entrepreneurs. The Baking Power initiative is to help victims of human trafficking integrate into the local community.  Baking Power raises fund by means of baking and selling healthy muffins. PPW members exchanged ideas on how to improve sales and how to target a larger audience.

Marsha Baan, Chief Muffin Marketeer: „(…) We received a lot of helpful feedback and also brainstormed about possible activities to be set up together. The Polish network is a network of passionate, educated females with a heart for giving back to society. We believe that our collaboration will bring forth great possibilities.”

If you want to see how the evening went, check out the photos below!