On Thursday 13th February our members and guests met at the workshop ‘Business Body Language’ at the Eye Filmmuseum in Amsterdam. 

Before the workshop, our members participated in the Yearly General Meeting where we voted for the new Board Member responsible for Membership. Congratulations to Monika Huss who will take over this position. Monika was previously an active Membership Coordinator in our Membership team.

The guest speaker at the ‘Business Body Language’ workshop was Joanna Polak-Goodman. Ms. Joanna is an International Corporate Image Consultant and Personal Brand Expert and founder of imagetalks.eu.

At this very practical workshop, we learnt that non-verbal communication is more important than the verbal one. Joanna Polak-Goodman presented us with the 5 key body language gestures, as we learnt their meaning and when they should be used in practice.

We were also shown examples of famous people’s gestures and learnt to read their intentions and feelings.

Joanna gave us many useful tips on handshakes and voice manipulation. Many tiny details make an executive or a potential executive look and sound more professional. Thanks to knowing these tricks you can give your career and professional-self a boost!

Thank you to all who joined us and we are looking forward to seeing you at the Global Mentoring Walk on 8th of March!

Thank you Joanna Polak-Goodman  for sharing your knowledge with us!