Together, we will pave the way for the next generation of women leaders!

On 10th of March in Amsterdam, we celebrated International Women’s Day by participating in the Vital Voices’ initiative of Mentoring Walk, an event designed to demonstrate the power of women’s leadership.

Once again Polish Professional Women in the Netherlands was privileged to organize the Global Mentoring Walk, an initiative launched in 2008 by Geraldine Laybourne to empower young women professionals in the United States.
The Global Mentoring Walk is a remarkable initiative taking place on the same day in several countries around the world in celebration of the International Women’s Day.

“On the heels of International Women’s Day thousands of women [came] together in a record-breaking 174 Walks around the world for the 12th Annual Vital Voices Global Mentoring Walks,” said Alyse Nelson, President and CEO of Vital Voices. “We are immensely proud to stand with the women leaders in our global network to show the world that women lead differently and that difference is precisely what the world needs today. These women use their voice, their leadership and their power to empower others, and that’s what it’s all about.”

Last Sunday, thousands of women participated in 174 walks in 62 countries! Only here in Amsterdam, over 40 pairs of mentors and mentees came together to participate in this special event. Mentors and mentees shared their challenges, experiences and their personal stories. Our mentors were people with extensive experience in a certain company or industry, who shared their knowledge and practice with younger colleagues.
Raising awareness about mentoring is a key tool for personal, professional and business development. The event brought together men and women professionals creating a lasting network of role models for the mentees. 

This year, Global Mentoring Walks worldwide focused on the concept of using one’s power, platform and position to empower and embolden others. Flag Bearers around the world are actively illustrating this concept by using this one day they oversee to convene their community and improve women’s lives moving forward. 

Our Amsterdam’s GMW version started on an early Sunday afternoon with a registration and an inspirational presentation by Melissa Raczak, our guest speaker and Partner Deloitte Consulting, about mentoring, personal journey to success and dealing with stress. Her speech was followed by the walk in a beautiful forest of Amsterdam, for which we equipped our brave mentors and mentees in stable umbrellas.

At the end, we took a group photo and did broader networking in a pleasant setting.

Polish Professional Women in the Netherlands Society would like to thank all the mentors and mentees for your active participation and engagement in the whole event. Many thanks to our Commission Members organizing this year’s GMW under the lead of Dorota Konarska. We are also extremely grateful for the input of our guest speaker Melissa Raczak and this year’s snack sponsor Bio Smaak, who catered delicious organic Polish snacks for our participants.

Thank you!


Below you can check out the photos! The meeting was captured by our great photographers: Kasia van Schip-Giska and Agnieszka Cegielska – thank you!


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Fot. Kasia van ‘t Schip – Giska

Fot. Agnieszka Cegielska